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Már befejeződött túra!

2014.10.19 9:00 - Bilingual Hiking in Buda Hills - (ani)

(Would you like to enjoy the last sunny days of the Indian summer, eating 'rétes', chating with locals and foreigners in the pictoresque, colorfull surround of Buda Hills? Join the Bilingual Hiking this Sunday.)

Indulás: 2014.10.19 (vasárnap) -- Részletekről csak bejelentkezve, teljes jogkörrel olvashatsz --
Túravezető: ani

Túra tervezett távja: 10 Km
Túrán tervezett szintemelkedés: Menet közben kiderül...

A túra várható költségei
Találkozóhely (illetve indulással kapcsolatos egyéb infók):
-- Részletekről csak bejelentkezve, teljes jogkörrel olvashatsz --

A túra rövid leírása:

We meet in 'Széll Kálmán tér' around the clock at 9 am and travel together to 'Normafa' and taste the 'rétes' (strudel) said to be the best around Budapest. Than set off toward the 'Erzsébet-kilátó', a nice look-out tover built in the beginning of the last century, where we have a beautiful view of Budapest from. After that we will continue toward 'Szépjuhászné' and 'Hűvösvölgy'. We will return with tram to the 'Széll Kálmán tér'.

The whole hike would be 10 km and take about 5 hours. On demand we can walk more as well.

The original idea of Bilingual Hiking was that we would change the language between English and Hungarian in each hours but it has never worked. So the plan is to change the language at some time so that you can practice Hungarian. But also feel free to stay with Englis if you would like.

You should bring:
* open mind
* water
* 2 BKV tickets or BKV pass
* a bit of fun :)

It would be cool if you let me know that you will come on the following address: anitura (at) freemail.hu

Oh, and how will you recognise me? I will have a salamander on my shoulder. Seriously. :)

I am looking forward to meeting you.

Mindenkit szívesen várunk, de kik azok, akikre főként számítunk?